Email Auto-Insert Tags

Referenced User (the person receiving the email)

First Name: [FirstName] (prioritizes nick name)
Last Name: [LastName]
Email: [Email]
Patrol: [Patrol]
Role: [Role]
UserID: [UserID]
Member Number: [MemberNumber]

Current Logged-in user (that's you)

My First Name: [MyFirstName] (prioritizes nick name)
My Last Name: [MyLastName]
My Email: [MyEmail]
My Home Phone: [MyHomePhone]
My Cell Phone: [MyCellPhone]
My Work Phone: [MyWorkPhone]
My Role: [MyRole]

Troop Name & Meeting Address

Troop Name: [TroopName]
Troop Address1: [TroopAddress1]
Troop Address2: [TroopAddress2]
Troop City: [TroopCity]
Troop State: [TroopState]
Troop Zipcode: [TroopZipcode]

Charter Organization Name & Address

Charter Name: [CharterName]
Charter Address1: [CharterAddress1]
Charter Address2: [CharterAddress2]
Charter City: [CharterCity]
Charter State: [CharterState]
Charter Zipcode: [CharterZipcode]
Charter Expiration: [CharterExpiration]

Troop Core Team

Senior Ministry Leader First Name: [SMLFirstName]
Senior Ministry Leader Last Name: [SMLLastName]
Senior Ministry Leader Email: [SMLEmail]

Troop Ministry Liaison First Name: [TMLFirstName]
Troop Ministry Liaison Last Name: [TMLLastName]
Troop Ministry Liaison Email: [TMLEmail]

Troopmaster First Name: [TMFirstName]
Troopmaster Last Name: [TMLastName]
Troopmaster Email: [TMEmail]

Committee Chair First Name: [CCFirstName]
Committee Chair Last Name: [CCLastName]
Committee Chair Email: [CCEmail]

Treasurer First Name: [TREASFirstName]
Treasurer Last Name: [TREASLastName]
Treasurer Email: [TREASEmail]

Chaplain First Name: [CHAPFirstName]
Chaplain LastName: [CHAPLastName]
Chaplain Email: [CHAPEmail]

Troop Pointman

Pointman First Name: [PointManFirstName]
Pointman Last Name: [PointManLastName]
Pointman Email: [PointManEmail]

Calendar Events (only works when sending an email via the calendar event management page)

Event Link: [EventLink]
Event Title: [EventTitle]
Event Date: [EventDate]
Event Time: [EventTime]
Event Date & Time: [EventDateTime]
Event Description: [EventDescription]
Event Address: [EventAddress]
Event Map Link: [EventMapLink]